Maximize Every Sales Prospect With These 15 Expert Tips

Maximize Every Sales Prospect With These 15 Expert Tips

Original Post:

December 16, 2020

Sales prospecting is an important part of business development, but it can also take up a lot of time and energy. Taking steps to maximize every prospect can help ensure that your efforts pay off as much as possible, as well as reduce the number of leads you need to scout.

As industry leaders, the members of Forbes Business Development Council have developed highly effective strategies to make the most of their sales efforts. Below, they share 15 tricks that will help you maximize every prospect you find.

Members of Forbes Business Development Council offer tips on making the most of each and every prospect.

1. Relate To The Prospect

The most effective strategy is relating to the person you are looking to build a relationship with. Finding common ground with someone you are meeting for the first time isn’t simple, but it’s not impossible. Using words like transparency, openness, self-awareness and emotional intelligence in your initial introduction will provide the prospect with a sense of your character. - Tyler TrimbathMihalko's

2. Prepare For Your Call

Although not a sales trick, effective preparation before a sales call always goes a long way with every prospect. For every 30-minute to one-hour sales call, I probably spend at least an hour researching the company for financial performance, news and M&A activity. Additionally, I research the people with whom I am meeting, including any common connections, former employers or similar interests. - Kirk BarnesTransPharMed

3. Focus On Serving Over Selling

I believe in serving over selling first. If you provide your prospects with the experience of what it would be like working with your company, they will understand the high quality of service you provide even before they invest in your product or services. Although they might not be ready to purchase at the moment, there is a higher chance of them coming back. - Rossalvi MarteMarketing & Business Consultant

4. Learn About Their Motivations

Learn as much as you can about the client's motivations and targets, the organizational structure, the business strategy, the industry challenges, what competitors are doing, industries they can learn from, etc. Rather than thinking about what you can sell to them, start with spending as much time as possible identifying and framing the problem before you try to create/sell a solution. - Harpreet BushellLAB Group

5. Treat Them With Curiosity And Respect

We treat every prospect with the same high level of curiosity and respect. It’s not a “trick," just good manners and part of the integrity we are known for. Consistent outreach is also good for my team's morale and it prevents saggy attitudes. Even when info on a contact us form doesn't look promising, a positive approach can lead to a good conversation and an unexpected opportunity. - Chris JohnsonGorilla Logic

6. Deeply Understand Their Business Problem

I don't believe in "sales tricks." However, there is one sales truth: You need to truly understand the prospect’s business problem. If you can prove that you understand their business problem, prove that you have fixed that business problem for other people like them and prove that you can deliver ROI quickly, you’ll always find effective cycles. - Ed CalnanSeismic

7. Send A Handwritten Note

The smallest details can create lasting impressions. A handwritten personal note following a meeting will certainly leave a lasting memory. I love great stationery, but any old card will do. Ensure it contains a detail from your meeting and send it the next day. It is guaranteed to be read and in today's world, I can assure you it will be the only handwritten note they receive. - Joel SherlockVitalis Extraction Tech

8. Do Your Homework

We ensure proper research and planning to create a more personalized approach and prescriptive value-add. I learned a long time ago to "blueprint, blueprint, blueprint" and that involves doing your homework. - Fred SollerDataOceans, LLC

9. Gather Intelligence On The Severity Of Their Problem

The most vital element in a sales situation is to have insight into the most acute problems the customer faces. In-depth research ahead of time to gather intelligence on the severity of the problem and how it impacts the client’s business/corporate goals will allow you to stay ahead of the curve in providing customized solutions fostered by innovation and use cases. - Charming ShahNTT DATA

10. Understand The Prospect's Background

Preparation is key when it comes to maximizing every prospect. Entering every single sales presentation as prepared as you possibly can instill a sense of confidence regardless of who you’re pitching. It’s important to do due diligence and understand your prospect’s background, including where they’ve previously worked and if they have any experience with your product or the space it's in. - David GerryWhiteHat Security

11. Outline Every Step Of The Process Of Working With You

This comes from the software industry. Many enterprise products need professional services to be implemented. Selling time and material is always a harder thing versus outlining phases and attaching a date and a cost to each step of the process. Help the prospect clearly understand when the needed solution is going to be up and running and what internal resources would be needed for that. - Gregory LipichInfoSec Global

12. Use Confirming Questions

A good sales hack is the use of confirming questions. Sales professionals know they need to ask questions to engage, yet sometimes fall short of asking good confirming questions. Confirming questions are imperative to demonstrate active listening and understanding. When confronted with confirming questions, the buyer is reassured that he or she was heard and understood. - Julie ThomasValueSelling Associates

13. Highlight Current Customers

It seems simple but I find it's most effective to highlight which customers we work with now. Everybody wants to know what everyone else is doing and who they are using. The success you have with others will always attract prospects asking how are they using you and why is it working successfully. That conversation leads you down many paths where you can build your potential opportunity. - Angie BarnesNAVCO

14. Find Common Ground

Research your prospect before you talk. Build rapport and trust by finding commonality in background or interests. Do you know some of the same people? Did you go to the same school or a rival school? Are you active in similar community groups? Research the company for pain points or triggers. What are the big items from the latest earnings call? Is there any recent news relevant to the prospect? - Michael FritschConfoe

15. Establish A Deep, Personal Relationship First

Instead of shooting for short-term revenue and profitability goals, the focus should be on establishing a deep, personal relationship first that’s built on trust. It takes perseverance and will not immediately translate in dollars, but it will be long term. - Claudia WaskoBosch eBike Systems

Dave Gerry